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CTL Scientific QUANTOFIX Phosphate *This item is hazardous and cannot ship Parcel Post. It is required to ship UPS Ground* - box of 100 strips & reagent - Hazardous : Y


Collections: Monitors, Test Kits & Calibration Equipment, Test Kits

Vendor: CTL Scientific



QUANTOFIX Phosphate semi-quantitative test strips for the determination of ortho-phosphate (PO 4 3-) in solutions. Measuring range: 0-3-10-25-50-100 mg/L PO43 __UN 3316 Chemical kit 9 II 0.030 L ADR/GGVSEB M11 (E) ADR 3.3.1/251: LQ PAX 960 10 Kg CAO 960 10 Kg

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