- Lightweight, soft, and flexible
- Protects against both molten iron and aluminum splash
- High temperature resistance
- Will not melt or ignite

40" Jackets: 12 oz. Aluminized Carbon Fleece Part #: 601-ACF
Aluminized carbon fleece is another fabric developed in response to a demand for lightweight, more flexible, and comfortable primary protective clothing. At 12 oz. / sq. yd., this fabric is still able to pass the ASTM F955 pour test for both molten iron and aluminum, while providing comfort, reduced heat stress, and increased productivity. Even after aluminization, the fleece base fabric remains soft and flexible. Carbonized fibers blended with rayon knit fleece make up the base of aluminized carbon fleece. It is inherently flame resistant, protects against molten metal splash, provides maximum temperature resistance, and will not burn, melt or ignite.
Call our office for more products and information: 973-584-8777