Kappler Frontline® 500 NFPA 1990 (1991) Certified Vapor Total Encapsulating Suit Front Entry F5H582-91 - Typical Applications: Hazmat response and chemical handling with potential for chemical flash-fire. Please choose size
Kappler Frontline® 500 NFPA 1990 (1991) Certified Vapor Total Encapsulating Suit Front Entry AquaSeal® Gas-Tight Zipper, Double Storm Flaps with FR Hook & Loop Closure, Expanded View AntiFog Visor System with Additional FEP Overlay, Expanded Back, Field Replaceable 2N1® Glove System and Removable Nomex or Kevlar Overgloves, Attached Sock Booties with Splash Guards, Knee Reinforcements, 2 Exhaust Valves, Heat Sealed / Taped on Inner and Outer Seams.
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Like many Kappler garments, this is a 'multi-use, single exposure’ suit. Frontline 500 provides excellent holdout for the ASTM F1001 battery and many additional chemicals.
Frontline 500 Details
- Single suit provides proven three-way protection – chemical, flash-fire and radiant heat protection.
- Excellent “survivability” performance – 0% body burn in Pyroman Thermal Manikin testing.
- NFPA-certified 'multi-use, single-exposure' garment provides economical alternative to expensive FR reusables.
- Expanded-View AntiFog Visor System enhances responder safety.
- Removable Nomex Overgloves, plus field-replaceable 2N1® Glove System which eliminates inner glove inversion.
- Highly flexible 48” gas-tight AquaSeal® zipper facilitates easier donning and doffing.
- Fabric does not contain PFAS Chemistry. PFAS found in FEP lens at this time.
- Typical Applications: Hazmat response and chemical handling with potential for chemical flash-fire.