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Honeywell RAE MINIRAE 3000+ - Choose Configuration




Non-wireless monitor only, Non-wireless  monitor and kits, Wireless monitor and kits

MINIRAE 3000 monitor, accessories kit, calibration kit includes:

MiniRAE 3000 monitor, datalogging with ProRAE studio, travel download charger, RAE UV lamp, Flex-I-probe, external filter, yellow rubber boot, alkaline battery adapter, lamp cleaning and tool kit, Li-ion battery with universal AC/DC adapter and international plug kit (if specified), CD-ROM manual, soft leather carrying case, accessory kit (hard transport case, charging cradle, 5 porous metal filters and O-rings, organic vapor zeroing kit, gas outlet port adapter and tubing), calibration kit (100ppm isobutylene calibration gas - 34L, calibration regulator & flow controller) 

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